Our proximity to highly skilled jobs in advanced manufacturing and technology mean new, well-paid jobs on our doorstep. I’m using my experience working with businesses to ensure young people have a clear route into rewarding careers.
Our Conservative Government has recruited every single one of the 20,000 extra police officers it said it would. This includes securing 322 extra police officers for Cheshire – more than at any time in the force’s history. I’m campaigning for additional resources to tackle crime and ASB hot spots.
From the historic city centre of Chester to the market town of Neston, and all the communities and villages in between, we need to maximise and protect our unique heritage assets.
Our quality of life depends on a thriving environment. As a committed environmental campaigner, I’ve always rolled up my sleeves to help deliver improvements to the places that matter to us all.
The relentless negativity from Labour locally means our area has missed out on vital resources from Westminster to help level up and improve things for local people.